Well, we had a poor experience at this house in Hatteras, NC last week.
vacasa.com and vrbo.com were not helpful in getting two broken toilets fixed during our stay.
We spent over $15,000 to rent a 7-bedroom beachfront house for a week and this is what we found:
TV in bedroom with dangling box

Sticker on wall

Unfinished paint on floorboard

Baby gates open storage

No stopper in this drain

No stopper in this drain, either

Sticker still on this window

Sticker still on this dirty door frame

Try closing this gate


Missing floorboards in master bedroom

Missing deck post cap

Poor finishing of elevator button trim

Master bathroom towel rod needs repair

Broken gate

Other side of broken gate

Another broken gate

Cigarette butt. One of many

Slow drain in tub

Nasty blinds in bathroom

Missing floorboard and ugly rusty toilet bolt

Missing floor trim

Another TV and dangly box

Dusty ceiling fan

Dusty return vent

Another TV with dangly box

Found at the outside shower area

Random wires coming out of the wall

Dusty vented door

Old TV with ugly connection to the front inputs

Ceiling cracks

Moldy shower curtain!

Oops, didn't finish this deck railing!

Tiles loose, flooring gaps, missing trim molding

More cracks in other area of ceiling

Misaligned glass doors

Where's the volume knob?

Grungy door

Open storage of vacuum cleaners and high chair

Kitchen cabinets

Peeling cabinets

Grungy baseboards

Unfinished painting of trim boards

Poor repair of spindle

Ripped carpet

No batteries. There were at least two of these

Hideous pool table

Elevator door holes - all levels

Mild vandalism of NOTICE sign

Missing cover plate on outlet

Crap behind the headboard

Another gross ceiling fan

Dented fridge in pool room

Hole in wall of pool room

More in the pool room

Poor paint skills in the pool room

General mess under front porch

General mess near outside showers and pool filter area

Tiki bar in disrepair

Another view of the tiki bar

I guess this is ok but it's dirty.

Unfinished railing on top floor

Siding storage?

Mess from previous guest